The Moya Aero team has been conducting a series of tests to validate and certify its eVTOL aircraft, completing 87 successful flights.
The testing campaign is in seven phases, from ground tests to automatic mode flights. The company is at the end of Phase 4, making final adjustments to the aircraft’s vertical flight capabilities. The pilot controls the frontal and lateral velocity, and the tuning in this phase corresponds to the outer loop.
By the end of Phase 4, the aircraft is expected to fly in position mode, with velocity as input. Automatic takeoff, mission, and auto-landing are possible at this stage.
Phase 5 will involve the mission in vertical mode, including takeoff, flight to predefined points, return to home, and automatic landing. And in Phase 6, the company will transition to horizontal flight and repeat the vertical phase adjustments, but now, it will be done in horizontal flight.
Finally, Phase 7 will mark the completion of the mission, including vertical takeoff, transition to horizontal flight, vertical flight, and landing.
With over 87 successful flights under its belt and more to come, Moya believes the aircraft will revolutionize the industry and provide a safe, efficient, and sustainable mode of transportation for all.